The Climakers Regional Workshop – The Caribbean
August 2019

The first Regional Consultation took place from August 14th to 16th, 2019, in Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Caribbean.
The event was hosted by the Agriculture Alliance of the Caribbean (AACARI), with the support of the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) and featured the participation of over 50 delegates representing Farmers’ Organizations from the Caribbean, Governments, multilateral institutions and research organizations.
Farmers from Belize, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Jamaica and St. Kitts and Nevis met at the Royal St. Kitts Hotel to discuss challenges and best practices on mitigation and adaptation to climate change as well as explore opportunities to enhance the position of the farmers in the global political discussion on climate change.
The following International Organizations made presentations on opportunities and services offered to farmers: WFO, ICDF, Taiwan National University, PROCASUR, a Chilean based International Organization, and Cambio Climatico, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS).
Topics discussed included water resource management, soil conservation, relevant technology transfer, appropriate policies for agriculture improvement, risk management and networking amongst the Caribbean Region.
Opportunities for the farmers in the global agenda on climate change
Luisa Volpe, Head of Policy Development, WFO
Best Practice from Belize
Carlos A. Itza, Farmer, Belize
Best Practice from St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Rohan Mc Donald, Farmer, St. Vincent
Strategies of Coping with Climate Change in Taiwan
Prof. Li-Fen Lei, Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University
Developing and introducing crop disaster mitigation
Kai-Yu Huang, Specialist, Taiwan Mission to St. Kitt and Nevis, Taiwan ICDF
Enhancing Agricultural Adaptive Capacity to Climate Variability
Sung-Han Yu, Specialist, Taiwan Mission to St. Kitt and Nevis, Taiwan ICDF
Scaling up of best practices in family farming for climate-resilient food systems
Javiera Araya, PROCASUR Corporation
Opportunities for scaling climate-smart practices and policy influence
Deissy Martínez-Barón, Regional Coordinator for Latin America, CCAFS
Raising awareness on Farmers’ best practices.
The Climakers Regional Workshop – The Caribbean
August 2019

The first Regional Consultation took place from August 14th to 16th, 2019, in Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Caribbean.
The event was hosted by the Agriculture Alliance of the Caribbean (AACARI), with the support of the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) and featured the participation of over 50 delegates representing Farmers’ Organizations from the Caribbean, Governments, multilateral institutions and research organizations.
Farmers from Belize, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Jamaica and St. Kitts and Nevis met at the Royal St. Kitts Hotel to discuss challenges and best practices on mitigation and adaptation to climate change as well as explore opportunities to enhance the position of the farmers in the global political discussion on climate change.
The following International Organizations made presentations on opportunities and services offered to farmers: WFO, ICDF, Taiwan National University, PROCASUR, a Chilean based International Organization, and Cambio Climatico, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS).
Topics discussed included water resource management, soil conservation, relevant technology transfer, appropriate policies for agriculture improvement, risk management and networking amongst the Caribbean Region.
Opportunities for the farmers in the global agenda on climate change
Luisa Volpe, Head of Policy Development, WFO
Best Practice from Belize
Carlos A. Itza, Farmer, Belize
Best Practice from St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Rohan Mc Donald, Farmer, St. Vincent
Strategies of Coping with Climate Change in Taiwan
Prof. Li-Fen Lei, Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University
Developing and introducing crop disaster mitigation
Kai-Yu Huang, Specialist, Taiwan Mission to St. Kitt and Nevis, Taiwan ICDF
Enhancing Agricultural Adaptive Capacity to Climate Variability
Sung-Han Yu, Specialist, Taiwan Mission to St. Kitt and Nevis, Taiwan ICDF
Scaling up of best practices in family farming for climate-resilient food systems
Javiera Araya, PROCASUR Corporation
Opportunities for scaling climate-smart practices and policy influence
Deissy Martínez-Barón, Regional Coordinator for Latin America, CCAFS